2019-07-15 20:06

In Situ Analyzers

In Situ Analyzers

A high priority for CODEL design engineers is to produce designs that are characterized by low maintenance, high reliability operation. For stack gas analysis the two techniques chosen result directly from this priority. The GCEM4000 multi-gas analyzer uses in-situ measurement technology that is capable of highly reliable operation with minimal maintenance even in stack gas with extreme levels of dust loading of several grams per cubic metre. It is capable of measuring up to seven gas species and is the measurement of choice for many large coal fired power generators.

The GCEM4000/G-CEM40 series range of analysers are in-situ devices. They are low cost, low maintenance devices designed both for process control and emissions monitoring. Their high specification includes integral temperature controlled weather covers which extend the operating ambient temperature range from -20°to +70° C.